Upcoming Shows!




We are excited to announce two upcoming shows!!

The first is a small in-store show to celebrate the opening of the newest Game Over Videogames on 1604 and Bandera Rd. next to Half Priced Books. It’s a free show and will be in their tournament room. It will be our first show with our newest member of the band, Katy.

The second one we’re incredibly excited about! We will have the opportunity to play at The White Rabbit alongside Descendants of Erdrick and a few other awesome acts for Artslam! It is going to be awesome, in a word! Doors open at 9pm and admission is $6.00. We have to thank Stephanie from her show a few months back, and it seems we made an impression!

If you missed us at 10BitWorks, you missed out, but we really hope to see you at one of the above shows!