


We are wrapping up our mastering of Chipsurf Pipeline and are already starting to look at what our next album is going to look like. So far, the direction we are headed with it is incredibly exciting for us. We wanted something that kept to the roots of Victim Cache and the sound we established with Chipsurf Pipeline while taking things in a new direction. It would appear that we have, so far, met those goals with what we have put together so far. Worry not chiptune fans, there will still be liberal use of chip-synths, although we will be using more post effects on them and likely more of the extended capabilities of our MidiBox SID and FM synths.

It is too soon to give away too much of the details until we have fleshed things out a bit more. Plus we haven’t even officially finished Chipsurf Pipeline yet! Expect us to wrap that up in a month-ish. After that, we will be focusing on our Kickstarter project for it in an effort to get it professionally mastered and pressed onto vinyl. More details to follow on that front once we finish up our Kickstarter promo video. It’s being filmed by us and, as we are musicians and not film-makers, it is taking some time to put together.

At any rate, we are excited about the present and the future and hope you are too!