Post Launch Info

First, a huge THANKS to all our fans, both old and new! The support and kind words about our album, particularly on /r/chiptunes has been wonderful! Thanks also for folks sticking with us while it took so long to release the album!

There have been some really good questions asked, mostly in the above link, that I will likely also answer here. For the moment, I am working on getting our stuff up on cdbaby so we can be on the more conventional outlets, as well as Spotify. We recommend anyone wanting to buy that album go through Bandcamp. Not only does more of the money go to us, but you can also get the highest quality version available anywhere.

As we have mentioned before, we also want to try to put Chipsurf Pipeline on vinyl and that will be our next big goal. In tandem to that is starting our next album, which is already starting to take shape and more details will follow for it hopefully soon!