A few tidbits about our next album



Though we have been spending quite some time in pursuits other than our next album, we have been making slow but steady progress on it. This weekend we spent some time adding some ideas to a few of the songs we are working on while also filming our Kickstarter video and preparing for our Chiptune Workshop next weekend.

While we are not quite yet ready to reveal too much about our next album, we can say chiptunes will remain a big part of it and that we will likely be able to start doing live shows at some point around the new sound. We will be taking things in a different direction while still preserving the things that made Chipsurf Pipeline so unique. As one hint we will say that open mic recording will be more prominent in this album (which is one of the reasons progress is perhaps a bit slower than it was with Chipsurf Pipeline). Either way, we think we have something very special and are really excited about it and can’t wait to share it with you (when it’s ready)!