Updates on the Single



Admittedly in all the excitement, we neglected to update our blog and make mention of the fact that our Kickstarter project funded! And then some! Our minimum goal was $750, which would have been a pretty small and simple release. In the last week of funding, not only did we meet goal, but we ended up blowing that out of the water! We raised at total of $1,040 which, after the Amazon and Kickstarter fees, gave us a total of $945.51. With this, plus some funds we have been able to come up with, we are going to be able to do a pretty nice 7″ release!

We have already said we are going to do a small run of colored vinyl in addition to black. The costs for it were a tad more than we realized but we committed to doing it and that’s what we will do. We are still going back and forth a bit, but so far we are looking at a red/yellow marble with some black thrown in for the colored version. The label will then be either blue or black with silver ink. We also want to do a simple fold-over jacket sort of thing. It will be white on black ink and will feature our band logo. We could not afford record sleeves but I think a fold-over plus a bag is still pretty good. If we have anything left-over, we will also include nice plastic inner sleeves instead of paper to help keep the 7″ in good condition.

Before we can do anything, though, we get to engage the backers of the project in a pretty personal way. Each and every person who pledged support will get to vote on which two songs they would like on the 7″. We are doing a weighted vote such that the amount pledged will be applied to that persons vote. So those that pledged more, get a bigger say. Anyone who does not vote will be giving their votes to John and I. I think it’s a neat idea! So far, we have had 10 responses (although one of which we do not know the identity of and so that one may not count) so far out of 43. Voting ends July 3rd.

If you missed out on Kickstarter and still want to get your hands on the 7″, fear not! While we will not be selling the extra colored vinyl (we are saving those for special occasions), the black version will be available online after the completion of the project and after we have given everyone who backed the project their goods.

Finally, we will say yet again, thank you so much to all who believed in our project! We are incredibly excited about this and we really hope you are too!