Hardware Stuffs!

For the past I don’t want to think about it years, I have been working on building a complete, fully populated, SID-based synthesizer based on the MidiBox platform. For Chipsurf Pipeline, we used my SammichSID (and SammichFM) here and there and it worked out well. But it lacks a full control surface to make some things easier, and I want something in a rack. This is what I have been working on and, in fact, I am getting fairly close to getting boards for a working control surface.

That said, though I do intend upon continuing work on it, John and I decided that what we need more are ways to help synchronize the NES and GameBoy as that would be extremely helpful for the different ways we are building songs for the next album, as well as for performing live. So, I am shifting gears a bit and will be focusing on completing my ArdunioBoy project. I am looking into building a shield, specifically, as it lets me use the base Ardunio board for other things if the need calls for it. The ArdunioBoy will allow us to both sync up LSDJ and use mGB, which was also developed by Trash80 (the dude behind the ArdunioBoy). mGB understands MIDI note data, turning the GameBoy into a real-time synthesizer of sorts.

Second to that, we want to MIDIfy the NES. The best solution I have seen is MIDINes. I have been trying to pick one up for years but opted not to for Chipsurf Pipeline since our songwriting catered more to a tracker interface and we also didn’t have the funds at the time. Assuming that project is still living, I plan on ordering one very soon to see how things go. In some ways, it is less flexible than FamiTracker; but in others, it is more. At least this gives us an option and the ability to more easily do live shows that can involve more dynamic interaction with the NES (as opposed to just press Play and playing along).

Anyways, this stuff makes me excited and I wanted to take some time to share it with any of our fans that are also interested in the topic! I plan on posting updates like these as I continue to work on these projects. On that note, I am also going to update and move over my NESA documentation so all our stuff can be found in one place. More info to come!

What’s Next?

Now that Chipsurf Pipeline is out in the wild (which you can purchase it on our BandCamp page and, soon, from most of the other online music stores), what are we going to do next? Lots! The biggest things right now are getting our Kickstarter project fired up for putting Chipsurf Pipeline on vinyl, and some periphery stuff around that (such as a Chiptune Pipeline special EP); putting together some chiptune related workshops with Hackerspace; and working on our next album.

We will, of course, let everyone know what we are up to as we get to it. I will admit, we are enjoying a slower pace for a while since the launch of Chipsurf Pipeline was getting a bit intense. On that note, we are wanting to do a release party at some point for it, but would like to finish Kickstarter first so we can, hopefully, have something more tangible for the release party itself. More info will be forthcoming once we know more.

There’s lots to do really but we’re going to take things one step at a time and will keep everyone updated every step of the way!

Post Launch Info

First, a huge THANKS to all our fans, both old and new! The support and kind words about our album, particularly on /r/chiptunes has been wonderful! Thanks also for folks sticking with us while it took so long to release the album!

There have been some really good questions asked, mostly in the above link, that I will likely also answer here. For the moment, I am working on getting our stuff up on cdbaby so we can be on the more conventional outlets, as well as Spotify. We recommend anyone wanting to buy that album go through Bandcamp. Not only does more of the money go to us, but you can also get the highest quality version available anywhere.

As we have mentioned before, we also want to try to put Chipsurf Pipeline on vinyl and that will be our next big goal. In tandem to that is starting our next album, which is already starting to take shape and more details will follow for it hopefully soon!

It’s Here!

Dynamic Range value for Chipsurf Pipeline

John and I often have discussions about mixing, mastering, and dynamic range and one of the things that comes up is wanting to use a more vintage mastering style and preserve dynamics. We knew that Chipsurf Pipeline was probably not the best album for dynamics as it is a loud album, due largely to the genre – chiptunes and surf guitar have a narrow amount of dynamic range. We did try to bring out the dynamics where we could and think we did a pretty good job. How does one qualify dynamic range, though?

One method is to use the ideas from the Pleasureize Music Foundation. Trouble is, though I agree with their mission, their website is currently in a state of disrepair, making trying to find the tools they suggest using difficult to do – the Foobar plugin mentioned on the site is out of date and was a time limited release (oops). But with the help of a kind Redditor, we have finally been able to see how Chipsurf Pipeline stacks up.

Chipsurf Pipeline's DR Rating (DR10)

Not terrible, and certainly better than the mastering of some modern hits. I did my own test of one in particular and it’s rating was DR5. Ouch! Either way, our next album should allow for even more dynamics. I really hope the DR rating system takes off, though I don’t have high hopes sadly. Regardless, John and I will continue to master our music as we see fit, and not to the incredibly loud and compressed benchmark that most modern music adheres to. That’s not how we think our music should be heard and, in fact, is not how we think most music should be heard.