Now accepting T-Shirt pre-orders

As some of you know, we will be ordering up some t-shirts that we plan on having for various purposes (initially as part of our Kickstarter project we plan on doing, later for sale with an album or maybe separately). The trouble is, we can’t afford a large enough run of shirts to cater to all sizes and have, instead, opted to focus on large while offering a handful of small and XL.

But we want to make sure our fans of all sizes are able to get a shirt that want one! So we have decided to offer up pre-orders. This would be for any size, but would be specifically for folks that would miss out on our normal t-shirts. Pricing is likely to be around $12 or so, depending on the size and number of pre-orders. This is an added perk since the shirts are likely to command more value as part of a Kickstarter (since the goal there is to raise money for putting Chipsurf Pipeline on vinyl).

If interested, please contact us ASAP as we will only be able to offer this for just a few days due to not wanting to hold back our normal order of shirts. You can contact us here, via Facebook, or via our Bandcamp page.


We have been hinting about it for a while, but have decided to invest money into t-shirts which are also sporting a new logo! The fine folks at Rockwell Merch are helping us with both the art and printing. They are wonderful folks! As you can imagine, we’re pretty cash strapped and are often having to decide between things like equipment and everything else. But felt this was a good investment.

As noted previously, the person whose song title we choose for our Name Our Song contest will be receiving a free t-shirt (as well as credits in our liner notes). For now, that is the best way to score yourself a shirt so head over to the above link if you wanna give it a go. After this, t-shirts will likely be part of our Kickstarter project to put Chipsurf Pipeline on vinyl. Thereafter we will likely put them up for sale on our Bandcamp storefront.

Those the art is still being designed, here is a taste:

Victom Cache Shirt Logo Concept

Where have we been (and what have we been doing)?

You may have noticed a lull in our usual releases and updates. We noticed it too and it bugs us! Fear not, however. We are still focused on rounding out our latest album. I have spent the last few weeks moving (what an ordeal), and John is focusing on his research grants and teaching. Now that things have calmed down on the moving front, I am going to start tackling the songs in our mastering pipeline, including the one for our Name our Song challenge. We have another handful of songs still in the composing stages as well and, after that, we should be about done with the album!

Cloud People Assassins

Cloud People Assassins Song Cover

This song was one of the first we ever started working and for some reason it took us quite a while to add the finishing touches on it. The actual mastering for this guy did not take as long as some of the other songs, but we spent a good chunk of time getting the drums just right. It took a good deal of trial and error but the end results are ones we are very happy with.

The song itself, as the name and covert art imply, is about those annoying flying creatures that either throw things from the sky or come down towards you, usually at inopportune times. The cloud people assassins, as we now call them, appeared in quite a few NES games. The most infamous is probably the one from Super Mario Bros. but there were others. This song is their tribute.

As with all our songs off our Chipsurf Pipeline album, you can listen to it and download it in various places and can buy it off Bandcamp. And as an update, yes, we are still trying to figure out both a vinyl release as well as t-shirts

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=340080″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

Name Our Song Contest

It’s actually been on Facebook but I was lazy and kept forgetting to post it here. We are running a contest to name one of our upcoming songs. It’s a bit unofficial as the prize is going to be a free digital copy of the album and credit in the liner notes (on any version of the album, digital or otherwise). If things come together for doing a run of t-shirts, the winner will receive one of these as well, but we can’t really make any promises there.

If you wanna give it a go, simply head over to SoundCloud to give the song a listen. Be aware it’s a pre-master so it’s going to be a bit rough around the edges. If you come up with something, post your thoughts on this Facebook post.

Have fun and good luck!